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Wetbacks All

In 1875 the United States Supreme Court ruled that the federal government is responsible for regulating immigration. In 1954, President Dwight D. Eisenhower urgently empowered the Immigration and Naturalization Service to “remove illegal immigrants, mostly Mexican nationals, from the southwestern United States.” The expulsion program’s official name was Operation Wetback. Border patrol, state and local…


Whatcha Doin Next Week

The doomsday prophet Harold Camping recently revised his prediction.  Camping now predicts October 21 2011 will be humanity’s last day.  What’s comforting about this update is that “The end is going to come very quietly, probably within the next month….Probably… there will be no pain suffered by anyone because of their rebellion against God.   Unbelievers might just…


Political Expediency and Social Change

A recently leaked memo suggested that British Prime Minister David Cameron’s government was not doing well with women voters. As reported in The Economist on Oct. 15, 2011, this finding may account for “a stream of female-friendly policy announcements, including calls for more women on company boards and new guidelines to shield children from online…

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This Sounds Familiar

We must never forget that abject poverty is an inescapable reality for more than a billion people living on Earth today. The majority of us pray that civilization will learn to better manage and even overcome this ongoing social catastrophe. Meanwhile, most of humanity expects to better their own personal circumstances. Recession, Depression, Famine Humanity…


The Use of Religion to Achieve Earthly Power

Human Leadership The Swiss Protestant theologian Karl Barth (May 10, 1886 – December 10, 1968) is described as one of the most important religious thinkers of the 20th century. Barth personally mailed a public stance against Nazism (Barmen Declaration) to Adolf Hitler in 1934. He left Germany to avoid a required loyalty oath to the Nazi leader. Quests…