Antebellum's Subjugation Messages
Antebellum’s Subjugation Messages
Antebellum’s Subjugation Messages
Mother Stories Rank with the Most Important History Known to Man!
Freedom and slavery Blend into our lives like life in living tree trunks Encompassed, restricted, contained Bound in wood flesh Enslaved by mammal inadequacy Yet saturated by spring’s volition Growing sacred freedom In progressive rings
Vote-On Vote-On “Until the late nineteenth century the question of woman’s ability to profit from or even survive higher education was controversial. Vassar College opened in 1865 was often described by its first president as an experiment.… as late as 1871 an MD at Harvard Medical School published a book on the dangers of higher…
This is a very important time in human history, because whatever we’re in charge of and responsible for, we’re in charge of and responsible for now.
Delete Religion An active constituency insists that civilization would be better off with no religion. This anti-religion constituency has grown in numbers. They claim religion is mumbo-jumbo. They remind people about centuries of dastardly behavior, violence against weddings and worshipers, pilgrims and patients, students and children committed in the name of some religious brand. They…
Thank God my mother is alive and well. So why my tears on Mother’s Day? Well I miss not being with her. And I feel guilty about it too. Mom’s grounded because she can no longer physically get about. Mom’s positively grounded by good-hearted wisdom. She peacefully adjusts. Mom is my hero! So why my…
The opportunity for women to be anybody is brand new. The emergence of self-definitive womanhood is one of the most critical new resources for civilized progress, far more important than oil and gas reserves or new technology.
On this first anniversary of the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, let us humbly remember the natural disasters we’ve shared in the past, and rededicate our sacred intention to upgrade human behavior and circumstances in order to avoid future devastation. What does this prayer mean?