Defend Civilization
The defense of civilization is everybody’s personal business.
The defense of civilization is everybody’s personal business.
George Washington never joined a political party because he feared that competition between self-serving factions would weaken the nation.
Frothing anger splashing about the tips of racism’s icebergs isn’t the half of it. Racism’s real damages are inflicted below the surface. Generations are subjected to cultural water-boarding, Billions of good people, especially children, worry that long-term lies about their inferiority include grains of truth.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, George S. Patton and Omar N. Bradley “were immensely ambitious.” So says The New York Times, reviewing the recently published summary of their relationship, “Brothers, Rivals, Victors: Eisenhower, Patton, Bradley and the Partnership that Drove the Allied Conquest in Europe,” by Jonathan W. Jordan. Like many politicians in Washington today, these three…
Occupy Wall Street demonstrators camping out on private property arouse the ire of many who believe they should make their point and go home. “What’s their point?” is one charge leveled against these demonstrators. Responses pointing to corporate greed and the excessive influence of lobbyists seem more complaint than plan. Bonus Marchers This is an…
It’s important to remember that our self-discovery is a human project.