% of global humanity experiencing extended family keeps shrinking-geography alone pries traditional support away-expansive media pretends intimacy-media replacing extended family hmm?
% of global humanity experiencing extended family keeps shrinking-geography alone pries traditional support away-expansive media pretends intimacy-media replacing extended family hmm?
Unfortunately, in this respect, Moyers resembles most of us who have no idea how civilization is going to better manage the absence of jobs crisis, which is just beginning, and civilization’s health care cost crisis, which is just beginning.
The history of hierarchy is a key to understanding civilization’s past and future. For most of human history, our ancestral hierarchies were composed of a small number of geographically and genetically proximate individuals. Nature, habit and tradition predetermined behavior when it came to who was in charge. Parents were and remain civilization’s most important leaders….
When will humanity’s genetically all-mutt races move beyond global traditions of destructive prejudice based on cosmetic factors to more constructive common ground?
And when will the destructive consequences of violently imposed anti-education attitudes, implanted by whip and lynching, weaken their hold on victims and perpetrators? Simon Legree still haunts many lands today including our own. He says, “Boys, better not dream about bettering yourselves, quit dreaming and join my gang.” And he says, “Girls, know your place and do what you’re told or I’m going to beat and stone you!” Male violence against women is the Simon Legree of gender.
Just yesterday, an intelligent friend I saw at the gym told me an immigrant surge is responsible for Covid’s recent death burst. Brand packaging update! Salivate on this line. “Immigrants are Covid death surge killers.” Send money. God bless America.
Consider chanting or humming this mantra today: Facing the sky, reaching deeper into your own steady breathing, sincerely repeat these words : (one-hundred reps recommended) Snow-Cold Go Away Don’t Come Back Till Autumn Fades
Mother Stories Rank with the Most Important History Known to Man!