My Weather Mantra
Consider chanting or humming this mantra today:
Facing the sky, reaching deeper into your own steady breathing, sincerely repeat these words :
(one-hundred reps recommended)
(one-hundred reps recommended)
Freedom and slavery Blend into our lives like life in living tree trunks Encompassed, restricted, contained Bound in wood flesh Enslaved by mammal inadequacy Yet saturated by spring’s volition Growing sacred freedom In progressive rings
Before Thanksgiving weekend 2011 passes into history, let us be thankful for people who pay their taxes, because they are supporting the people who don’t. Benjamin Franklin famously wrote that “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Indeed, civilization cannot exist without taxes, by which we pay for…
Unfortunately, in this respect, Moyers resembles most of us who have no idea how civilization is going to better manage the absence of jobs crisis, which is just beginning, and civilization’s health care cost crisis, which is just beginning.
On a local chat site, a neighbor asks : “I want to plant bamboo. It’s so beautiful. Where can I find some.” Every respondent adamantly offers the same answer. “Don’t do it, because spreading bamboo is uncontrollable!” Here’s my take on bamboo in your garden. The many warnings about bamboo spreading are absolutely true. Watching new shoots emerge…
% of global humanity experiencing extended family keeps shrinking-geography alone pries traditional support away-expansive media pretends intimacy-media replacing extended family hmm?
The history of hierarchy is a key to understanding civilization’s past and future. For most of human history, our ancestral hierarchies were composed of a small number of geographically and genetically proximate individuals. Nature, habit and tradition predetermined behavior when it came to who was in charge. Parents were and remain civilization’s most important leaders….