Warmer & Wetter
The forthcoming impact of this development on civilization’s geography will be significant.
A Billion People Will Be Moving Soon.
The forthcoming impact of this development on civilization’s geography will be significant.
A Billion People Will Be Moving Soon.
Just yesterday, an intelligent friend I saw at the gym told me an immigrant surge is responsible for Covid’s recent death burst. Brand packaging update! Salivate on this line. “Immigrants are Covid death surge killers.” Send money. God bless America.
Unfortunately, in this respect, Moyers resembles most of us who have no idea how civilization is going to better manage the absence of jobs crisis, which is just beginning, and civilization’s health care cost crisis, which is just beginning.
Before Thanksgiving weekend 2011 passes into history, let us be thankful for people who pay their taxes, because they are supporting the people who don’t. Benjamin Franklin famously wrote that “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Indeed, civilization cannot exist without taxes, by which we pay for…
Tens of thousands of warrior memorials exist in the world today. War memorial statuary is found in Germany, Russia, England, France, Israel, Turkey, Egypt, India, Vietnam, China, Africa, the United States and elsewhere. Honoring defenders made sense since the beginning of humanity. Communities who fail to honor their past and present defenders are jeopardizing their…
The darkest auroras linger in our consciousness. Please take a moment to remember this historical fact. Today is the ninety-eighth birthday of the First World War. Less than 100 years ago today, at 11:10 AM on July 28, 1914, the Austro-Hungarian Empire declared war on Serbia. The First World War officially began. The aristocracy (King, Emperor…
Freedom and slavery Blend into our lives like life in living tree trunks Encompassed, restricted, contained Bound in wood flesh Enslaved by mammal inadequacy Yet saturated by spring’s volition Growing sacred freedom In progressive rings